Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What is Real and What is Fake?

What is real and what is fake?
For something to be real does it have to be old?
For it to be real does it have to be made of stone?
For something to be real does it have to be boring?
So does that mean that everything fun is a sham?
Are themed objects considered real?
What if the theme is evokes happiness or fantasy?
Can only physical situations be considered actual?
Real humans make stories though, so why aren't they true?
If a building has a nice facade is it real?
What if the facade doesn't match the surroundings, can it still be so?
For it to be real does it have to be in the east?
Does nothing real exist way out west?
Are only real cities supposed to be dense and not sprawling?
Do I have to walk instead of driving my car?
Should my home be close to where I work?
Or should my home be where my family can be safe?
For a family to be real do they have to live together?
For a family to be real can they not be scattered?
Does a family have to be in the same place for many generations?
Does that mean that a family can never move apart?
What if people in a family live thousand of miles away?
Are they still considered to be a loving family?
What if I don't have any family in my state?
Is that state still considered my home?
Or should I move to the state where my family is?
What if I don't like the state my family lives in?
What if it that state gets too cold or hot for me?
Is it selfish for me to live where I want to live?
Is it selfish for me to do what I want to do?
Is it bad to be who I want to be?
Is it bad to like what I like?
What if people think what I like is cliché?
But what does cliché even mean anyway?
Who comes up with these terms?
Who decides what is bad and what is good?
Who decides what is real and what is fake?
Aren't they all just opinions anyway?
Shouldn't I choose the path of my life?
Shouldn't I decide what is real and what is fake?

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